Friday, August 03, 2007

kets mi.

A week ago while i was on my way to work, I heard toni gonzaga's new song, the ' how can somethings so wrong feel so right, so i'm gonna cum any moment now' love song. i must admit, the melody is pretty catchy, and i kinda like toni's synthesized-sounding voice.

So when it was played over manong taxi driver's radio tuned in to energy fm, i listened closely to the lyrics. And all i heard was 'catch me' and 'i'm falling for you' over and over again.

So the third time i heard the song, i already counted how many times she mouths them abused to the max lyrics and:

'catch me' was repeated 11 times; and

'i'm falling for you,' 12 times.

Wala lang.

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