Friday, December 29, 2006

everyone has yearender entries

Late 2005, someone i could've spent the rest of my life with cheated on me. after that incident, that someone dumped me. back then i felt ugly. i was very fat. and i looked old. i could've wallowed in self pity and ate an entire gonuts donuts store. i chose to go to the gym.

Around the same time last year, i weighed 210 pounds. now i'm down to 160 give and take a few pounds. i can say that i haven't reached my ideal weight. but losing 50 pounds is an achievement. and i am extremely happy with the results. i still look older than my age, though. it's in the eyes, i think.

i made a few close friends last year. and i am determined to keep them for good. they know who they are.

dated a few people too. dumped some. got dumped by some. the dating scene now is different than it was four years ago. i never realized that romantic possibilities are now easily disposed off. now, relationships, on the average last for a couple of months. people have become really shortsighted. hay.

got a job writing press releases for a PR firm. i'm enjoying my new-found career so far.

i dated four people this year. i am still single. i must admit that up to now, i am terrified at the idea of taking the plunge again.

so far, i got 2 out of five things in my Christmas wish list. they gave me the more expensive ones. but i'm still hoping someone would give me a 'gangland' dvd.

i'm now officially 'friends' with my ex. so that means i am totally over the twat! yahoo!

and most importantly, this year i finally get to have myself back.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


1. it's 12 noon. the 24th of December. just woke up. alone in my pad.
2. for breakfast - dark chocolate and a glass of water.
3. need to buy gifts for - Mamang and Shobe.
4. will be at the family reunion later - i hate family reunions. they ask irritating questions like, ' why don't you have a girlfriend?' or ' why don't you pursue your nursing career?'
5. i'll be seeing my 95 year-old grandfather later. i love my lolo.
6. last night at krispy kreme - someone was giving away free glazed donuts to customers. i jumped and grabbed one from her. delicious. she was looking at me like i was some kind of weirdo. "so what if i am a weirdo, you normal person you."
7. of all the entries in the filmfest beginning tomorrow, i'm most bent on seeing 'ligalig'
8. last film i saw - shortbus on dvd. totally interesting. i loved the characters. so intelligent yet so stupid. flawed. very human.
9. amos lee's cd is amazing.
10. i'm craving for fresh lumpia right now.

gotta go. i need to replace my toilet seat cover.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Interview me!!! Please!!!

al asks:

1. What will you do if we're both stuck in an island with no means of escape and our only means of survival is to resort to cannibalism. Will you kill me or you let me kill you?

I'm fat. and you're malnourished. so alright. kill me.

2. You die and at the heavenly gates you need to convince St. Peter that you deserve to enter heaven. What will you say?

"Daddy Pete, I've been a good, good boy. I fed al my body so he could go on living. Now lemme in."

3. Will you go for that someone who loves you or that someone you love?

Seriously, for a change, i'd go for someone who loves me.

4. Imagine yourself in my shoes. What would you do this Christmas?

Give cy the grandest gift!

5. If there would be only one shop in the world what shop should that be?

Definitely a media store. Like the one in megamall (powerbooks and music one).

SINO magpa-pa-interview?

The Rules:

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."

2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

kreesmas weeesh leeest

1. a dvd of peque gallaga and lore reyes' youth flick 'gangland.'
2. new gloves for working out.
3. clicker.
4. john legend's new cd.
5. mp3 player(yung cheap lang).

Pahabol: i just had to say -- last night's opening of Friday's in galeria was really fun. food and booze overflowed. the staff was genuinely gracious and friendly. we all had a great time.

so far...

after a couple of motnhs(?), i'm back.

work gets in the way, you know. malaking hadlang ang trabaho sa pag eeljay.

here's what happened (and has been happening) lately:
1. i am now a permanent employee. i got a raise. yipee.
2. i'm back in the dating scene.
3. a friend(who used to see me only on webcam and have met me in the flesh just once) told another friend that i'm butt ugly in person. i'm inclined to believe him. but then, i didn't say that i'm goodlooking anyway.
4. saw two of my closest buds (al and z). nagpafootspa at sm mall of asia.
5. was rejected by someone. oh well. there's always a first time.

next: my Christmas wish list.