Friday, December 29, 2006

everyone has yearender entries

Late 2005, someone i could've spent the rest of my life with cheated on me. after that incident, that someone dumped me. back then i felt ugly. i was very fat. and i looked old. i could've wallowed in self pity and ate an entire gonuts donuts store. i chose to go to the gym.

Around the same time last year, i weighed 210 pounds. now i'm down to 160 give and take a few pounds. i can say that i haven't reached my ideal weight. but losing 50 pounds is an achievement. and i am extremely happy with the results. i still look older than my age, though. it's in the eyes, i think.

i made a few close friends last year. and i am determined to keep them for good. they know who they are.

dated a few people too. dumped some. got dumped by some. the dating scene now is different than it was four years ago. i never realized that romantic possibilities are now easily disposed off. now, relationships, on the average last for a couple of months. people have become really shortsighted. hay.

got a job writing press releases for a PR firm. i'm enjoying my new-found career so far.

i dated four people this year. i am still single. i must admit that up to now, i am terrified at the idea of taking the plunge again.

so far, i got 2 out of five things in my Christmas wish list. they gave me the more expensive ones. but i'm still hoping someone would give me a 'gangland' dvd.

i'm now officially 'friends' with my ex. so that means i am totally over the twat! yahoo!

and most importantly, this year i finally get to have myself back.

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